StudioRIP XF

Software RIP și flux de lucru pentru imprimante CTP, CTF, flexografice, cu jet de cerneală și cu laser etc. Impoziții, captare, verificare, module de control al conductelor de cerneală. Folosit de mii de utilizatori din întreaga lume prin rețeaua noastră de distribuție internațională.


StudioRIP XF Inkjet Edition

RIP and workflow software for inkjet systems. With its unique patented technologies like the Dynamic Density Modulation, 4-channel mode and RIP-based interlacing achieves smooth halftones with sharp and round dots on high speed.


StudioRIP Droplet to Plate

Computer to Plate (CTP) system that produces conventional offset plates of laser quality (175 lpi), plate sizes up to 91 × 150 cm, low cost consumables (typical price $6,5–7,8/sqm). Successfully used by many printers.
